La Cabane


Upcoming evenings

Reggae fans in Togo will be familiar with the Friday nights at La Cabane.

Live with the best local musicians and singers, big sound and good atmosphere at low prices.

Saturdays are a varied affair, with Rock’n’Roll, Hip Hop and African music concerts.

All in a great atmosphere!

Reggae concert on Friday

Every Friday.

The right atmosphere at the right price.

La Cabane - Hot Reggae Nights - Chaque vendredi

Friday 14 / 02

20250214 - Liberty Band

Liberty Band’s Reggae/Jazz fusion back on stage at La Cabane!
Bruno, Ephrem and Rico take us somewhere between Lomé, Kingston and New Orleans.

Amen JahLov will be taking to the stage at La Cabane for the first time for a special Reggae Valentine’s evening.

Come along as a couple or in search of your soul mate!

20250214 - JahLov

Friday 21 / 02

20250221 - Armstrong

Opening the evening from 9pm, Armstrong in an acoustic trio on stage.
Come and enjoy one of Togo’s finest voices.

La Cabane has a special evening in store for you this Friday 21st, in the midst of a weekend packed with musical events with the Afropéènnes festival, taking place in Lomé from 20 to 23 February.
Surprise guests will spice up the evening.
Stay tuned!

20250221 - Saint Georges

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