La Cabane


Creators, Musicians, Places ...

Relax on one of the beaches bordering the Atlantic Ocean, or enjoy a peaceful break in the mountain landscapes of the Kpalimé region …

Sculptors, clothing and jewellery designers …

Reggae, Afro-beat and heavy metal musicians …

Find out more about our partners in Togo.

Art Room - Avepozo

Bar, restaurant, concerts, bed and breakfast, art exhibitions … 100 metres from the beach.

00 228 92 77 59 56

Arka'n - Lomé

Heavy Metal in Togo … No ? Yes, it is. Arka’n mixes tradition with guitar fury.

00 228 90 84 20 11

Reggae Team United - Lomé

Togo’s top reggae acts in live concert.

00 228 90 71 15 41

Hôtel Alizé - Baguida

Restaurant, swimming pool, private beach, magnificent setting and affordable prices.

00 228 93 37 29 88

Zig-Zag Communication - Lomé

All kinds of graphic work, hand-crafted communication campaigns.

00 228 90 51 59 63

Rico Clocuh - Lomé

Masterful sculptures, paintings… Rico’s art is both unique and plural – he is also a musician.

00 228 93 54 29 85

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